SECTOR 8 has sucessfully captured and imprisoned the infamous Desmond "Clint" Burlap, codename SUSPECT 347843. It was a long process. We mapped out the island and detected all the mines and traps. All agents were informed about them and we sent 20 of SECTOR 8's top agents there. They brought McMillan Tac-50 sniper rifles, rocket propelled grenades ( bazookas ), tranquilizers, many corrosive resistant shields and ability negation dart shooters to the SUSPECT's hideout. After much conflict, the SUSPECT activated all the mines in the island, injuring 3 agents. He pretended to surrender ( distracting the agents ) and sprinted to the yacht and sailed away. The agents then negated his abilities and then sunk the yacht. Finally, they caught the SUSPECT.

Capturing SUSPECT 347843

s0 th@t'$ h1$ f@ce!!!!!!!!!! I s@w The NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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